Tuesday, January 27, 2009

February Glassblowing Classes Still Available

The STARworks glass lab has spaces available for the February Glassblowing Classes. January classes were a great success with potters, jewelry makers, and others using their creative energy to make beautiful glass pieces.

February classes are being offered Feb. 6-8 and Feb. 13-15.

February 6-8 - Glass II

This class is the follow up to Glass I, building on fundamentals from the intro course. The majority of time in the class will be time at the bench with demos in between to familiarize students with proper technique for the process. Students will also get to learn basic cold-working techniques to complete the glass blowing process from start to finish.

For more information on Glass II: GlassII.doc.

February 13-15 - Glass I

STARworks Glass Lab will be offering an accelerated, introductory course in glassblowing (Glass I) that touches on the fundamentals of glass, including basic hot shop techniques, tools and equipment.

Classes would be intensive 3-day classes meeting Friday evening, all day Saturday and all day Sunday for about 20 hours of instruction.

For more information on Glass I: GlassI.doc.

For more information about the classes, please contact Mike Linzy, glass coordinator at Mike@starworksnc.org or at 910-428-9001.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Glass Class A Success!

On January 9-11, 2009, STARworks glass lab held its first accelerated, introductory class of the year. Eight students, ranging from potters to jewelry makers, were able to learn the basic hot shop techniques, tools, and equipment. The students had a great time and were able to make between 5 and 10 pieces in the 20 hours of the class.

If you are interested in taking a glassblowing class, contact Mike Linzy at 910-428-9001.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Intro to Glass classes Jan. 16th,17th and 18th

Glass classes

The new STARworks Glass Lab is offering an introductory glass class (glass I) that touches on the fundamentals of glass, including basic hotshop techniques, tools and equipment.

Classes would be intensive 3-day classes meeting Friday evening, all day Saturday and Sunday for about 20 hours of instruction.

FRIDAY: Shop orientation, safety, history, demo, equipment operation.

SATURDAY: Gathering, bench operation, use of tools. Starter bubbles, 2nd gathers, and punties.

SUNDAY: making vessels, rolling in color, bits.

PRICE: $295 including lunch on Saturday and Sunday

Class size is limited to 8 students.

For more info, contact Mike Linzy@  mike@starworksnc.org or call 910.428.9001