Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Glass Shop: We Have Lift Off!

It's taken nearly 3 years, but last Thursday, Eddie Bernard lit the first glass furnace at the new STARworks Glass Studio!  The studio was funded by a grant from the Department of Commerce's Community Development block grant program and was designed and built by Eddie's Wet Dog Glass team.  A big shout out to the Doggies who spent many, many long nights and long weekends, and lots of beer and pizza making it happen.  Thanks to Steve-o, Mac-adoo, Nick Dog, Phil Dog, Evan Dog, Megan Girl Dog, Eddie Dog and Angela Boss Dog for lighting our fire! 

The furnace and all the equipment is designed for maximum energy efficiency, right down to the fancy heat recuperator above the furnace. The equipment is also designed to be run on various fuels, including biodiesel or waste glycerin (a byproduct of biodiesel production.)  Here's Eddie pointing out the fancy-schmancy heat recuperator:
We also have a new instructor for the studio!  Mike Linzy comes to Star from the University of Louisville Kentucky where he was a student of Che Rhodes. Mike is going to be designing and teaching programs for high school students, as well as adults interested in glassblowing. Make sure you get a chance to stop by and welcome him to the area. 

To celebrate the firing up of the furnace, we popped a couple of bottles of champagne and in the spirit of things, decided to give Miss Louise ("Weezy the Wet Dog") a bath in the glass shop 


Michael Mahan said...

Mary and I hope to be able to come by tonight.


Takuro said...

Thank you for coming last night. We were glad to see you!